The first step that you need to take for your enterprise risk management to be effective is to get a buy-in from the top service providers. Implementation of ERM (enterprise risk management) needs to start from the very top – the CEO (chief executive officer) and the board members. This should include the senior management team as well. People should be committed when it comes to managing all the risks proactively and implementing such a system across the organization. You need to let all your employees know why such a system is being implemented in the organization
with proper communication. They should have a clear idea of why it is important to your organization.
Talking with the CFO
When you are implementing risk management solutions such as these you must talk to your CFO (chief financial officer) as well. Financial leaders have a lot of involvement in managing the financial and conventional risks of the business organization. They also play an important role when it comes to understanding this structured way of risk management
and identifying issues and mitigating them.
Carrying out a risk process inventory
Before implementing any risk management software, it is always better to check out first what your organization is already doing in terms of mitigating risks. If your company is already doing quite a lot in this particular area you would not have to do a whole lot in this particular regard as such. After all, if you start something from the scratch it means that your team would have to put in a lot of effort to make the system function the way it is supposed to.
Adopting a framework
Before you choose any ERM software, you first need to make sure that you do proper research so that you can choose a system that works well for your company. Normally the popular systems in this regard are fairly robust and they suit most of your requirements, if not all of them.
When you are going to use an enterprise risk management system in your organization, you should identify the biggest threats that your organization is facing. For this, you would have to work across the organization so that you can find out the risks that can have maximum impact on your organization with the highest chance of occurring in your organization. This way you would be able to train your employees on the bigger issues rather than wasting your resources on countering each threat irrespective of its magnitude.

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