Monday, October 28, 2019

Secure Your Official Documents by DMS Document Management System

Whether you’re a student, employee, or a business owner, documents play an important role. Especially, when it comes to key information such as educational details, property information or employment contracts, documentation is the way to go for everyone. 

But, people usually neglect the aspect of securing their official documents properly, only to regret it later down the road. Paper-based document management systems are not very reliable and consistent when it comes to the security and safety of the information. To solve such an issue, one must try considering a DMS Document Management System, which comes with a multitude of security features. To know more about it, please keep on reading.

Backup and Restoration:
With a paper-based documentation system, you can't enjoy the luxury of losing your documents. Usually, paper-based documents can either be subjected to theft or damage by different means like fire, termites and flood. In such situations, you can’t do much, other than losing your valuable information. 

But, if you’re using an electronic document management system, you can back up your documents and then restore them whenever you want. Every document of yours will be replicated and store in a cloud platform, which can be accessed instantly.

Regulatory Compliance:
If you’re operating a business, it’s important to keep in mind that you might be audited any time. In such times, you have to able to access your important documents within a couple of minutes. You can't afford any delays and mishaps in such uneasy situations. 

With paper-based document management systems, you can’t access your files easily, as they all are stacked together. But, with a digital DMS Document Management System, you can instantly access your important documents. Moreover, you will be able to filter through your document database and access particular documents out of all your files.

Secured Storage:
Usually, documents contain sensitive information, whether it’s about your career, business, or property. It’s highly important that you store them in a very secured space. But, unfortunately, paper-based documents can easily be stolen or misplaced. 

If you want to avoid such scenarios, you simply have to opt for a digital document management system. This documentation system stores your files in highly secured cloud platforms. Most of these storage spaces are secured with encryption-level algorithms, which are highly impenetrable.

Controlled Distribution:
When you’re running a business, you may have to let your employees access certain types of documents. Since usually, people store all their documents at a single place, there are high chances of your employees being able to access confidential documents. 

To prevent that, you have to discard using a traditional paper-based document system and start using a DMS Document Management System. With it, you can seamlessly control the access of your documents by your employees. You will be able to restrict and permit access to certain types of files respectively.

No Misplaced Documents:
With an electronic DMS Document Management System, you can stop worrying about misplacing your important documents and disremembering about them. The digital documentation system keeps track of every document and makes it easier for you to access and maintain your files and documents with just a couple of clicks. 

Eliminate Paper-Based Documentation By Using The Document Management System


Documentation is a highly important aspect when you’re running a business. After all, that’s where you store all the important details about the different departments of your firm. Business firms used to document their information by using paper-based documentation systems. But, with the latest technological inventions, you can now move to a sophisticated and reliable process by opting for a digital Document Management System

With an electronic documentation system, the possibilities are endless. Moreover, you will be able to access a broader range of features and benefits by using this type of documentation system. If you want to know more about how you can be benefited by using a document management system, continue reading.
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Huge Variety:
The way we perceive information has been changed a lot in the last few decades. With the availability of innovative technologies, now you can record and share information through different modules. With a paper-based document system, you can print data with certain limitations. 

But, if you’re using an electronic Document Management System, you can enjoy a wide range of documentation themes and modules. You will be able to develop your documents by using pictures, flow charts, tables, and many such other items. By doing so, you can add more versatility to your document content, which in turn helps you perceive the information in a far better way.

Better Readability:
One of the commonly faced issues with a paper document is the difficulty of reading the information. Usually, paper-based document systems require you to write down the information. The hand-writing style differs from person to person, making it sometimes difficult for others to read and understand. 

Here, you can take the help of a digital documentation system and eliminate the aspect of reading difficulty. Since, a Document Management System involves computerized information, which is universally the same, it’s much easier for people to read and understand whatever information the document contains.

Low-cost Solution:
For a business to be profitable in the long run, the unnecessary expenditures must be cut down as much as possible. You can’t simply do that with a paper-based documentation system. Not only the aspect of expenditure, but this traditional documentation method also consumes a lot of paper, which is not good for our environment, as a lot of trees are deforested for paper production. 

Anyhow, coming back to the expenditure part, a Document Management System lets you save quite an amount of money since it uses little to no paper. Moreover, as the system involves a digital framework for pretty much everything, all you spend is to buy the program and that’s it.

Superior Accessibility:
Finally, one more aspect to consider while choosing a Document Management System is the ease of accessibility. The traditional paper-based documentation system is not good at this part, as you can't carry your documents all around the place, especially when you're traveling abroad. But, a digital documentation system lets you access any of your documents from anywhere in the world, as long as you can connect to the internet. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effective Enterprise Risk Management - Path to Enduring Success

Laser Risk Management System (LERMS®)
The first step that you need to take for your enterprise risk management to be effective is to get a buy-in from the top service providers. Implementation of ERM (enterprise risk management) needs to start from the very top – the CEO (chief executive officer) and the board members. This should include the senior management team as well. People should be committed when it comes to managing all the risks proactively and implementing such a system across the organization. You need to let all your employees know why such a system is being implemented in the organization
 with proper communication. They should have a clear idea of why it is important to your organization.

Talking with the CFO

When you are implementing risk management solutions such as these you must talk to your CFO (chief financial officer) as well. Financial leaders have a lot of involvement in managing the financial and conventional risks of the business organization. They also play an important role when it comes to understanding this structured way of risk management
and identifying issues and mitigating them.

Carrying out a risk process inventory

Before implementing any risk management software, it is always better to check out first what your organization is already doing in terms of mitigating risks.  If your company is already doing quite a lot in this particular area you would not have to do a whole lot in this particular regard as such. After all, if you start something from the scratch it means that your team would have to put in a lot of effort to make the system function the way it is supposed to.

Adopting a framework

Before you choose any ERM software, you first need to make sure that you do proper research so that you can choose a system that works well for your company. Normally the popular systems in this regard are fairly robust and they suit most of your requirements, if not all of them.      


When you are going to use an enterprise risk management system in your organization, you should identify the biggest threats that your organization is facing. For this, you would have to work across the organization so that you can find out the risks that can have maximum impact on your organization with the highest chance of occurring in your organization. This way you would be able to train your employees on the bigger issues rather than wasting your resources on countering each threat irrespective of its magnitude.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Audit Management Software – Way to Improve Business Efficiency and Internal Collaboration

Businesses are evolving constantly and along with that the business processes and their complexity are also increasing. This requires them to have a robust Audit management software as paper-based solutions are not efficient enough to help manage internal audits with ease.

The need for regular audits has become a must to ensure that the quality standards are met and risks of non-compliance are reduced. Laser GRC brings you the Audit management software which can help you with all of this and more, you can easily manage business plans, simplify various processes and generate multiple audit reports which can help you improve the efficiency and internal collaboration in your business.

A centralized Audit management system allows you to have complete control over the audit cycle this helping you improve the management of all the activities and business processes without having the limitations which occur when worked upon manually.

Here are a few characteristics of Laser GRC’s Audit management software :

1. Dashboard: Being a centralized audit management system allows you to have an overview of all the audits going on and their progress in a single dashboard. You can easily access specific information by adding filters such as importance, departments, etc.

2. Plan your Audits: Having an overview of everything in a single place makes it easier for you to plan the audits in a way that will help you improve the efficiency of all the business processes. This feature also allows you to keep a track of all the audits while allowing you to schedule the upcoming audits for the various auditors.

3. Audit Programs: You can either choose to create an audit program from scratch or use a pre-saved one from the audit repository in the system. This can help you have a standard audit process in place thus ensuring that all the crucial data is collected while auditing, following which critical decisions can be easily made.

4. Work Paper: You can easily create various work papers for the outcomes of all the audit programs. This will make it easier to have a quick view of all the finds from each procedure and policy which has been evaluated.

5. Add attachments: This centralized system also allows you to add attachments in multiple formats such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDF, PNG, JPG. Since it can support all these formats, it ensures that you can keep all data in a single place and retrieve them easily as and when required.

These are just some features of an Audit management system and how they can improve your business processes. To know more about audit management systems and how they can be beneficial for your business, get in touch with the experts at Laser GRC.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Free Open Source Document Management Software - Its Drawbacks and Loopholes

The Electronic document management system is essential for every business- it helps you store and retrieve information whenever and wherever you want, without having to haggle around cabinets for hours together. 

The scanned versions of various documents can be easily uploaded on the Electronic document management system, wherein they are kept securely in digital format. You can organize your files using metadata and tags making it easier to track documents. 

One of the most important considerations of a document management software is the workflow; users are now able to navigate file structures and face minimal hassles while collaborating with other users. 

Furthermore, implementing an electronic document management solution can provide you with mobile access to ensure greater efficiency and more benefits for your business.

The Proprietary Document Management System is typically observed as the best option for professional applications. These programs are designed and maintained by well-known or well-established System providers in the market with the tailor-made approach. Often, the systems themselves have a recognizable brand name, simply because proprietary systems are used in so many corporate and business settings for document search, storage, security, and collaboration.

An open-source document management system can enable your organization to easily access, share and monitor all sorts of files and documents without wasting any time. But Security-conscious organizations may need to develop in their own proprietary document management system.

In an open-source system, the company is responsible for customizing the software for the users and furthermore ensuring that they implement the various updates which have been built by the open-source community. 

The open-source document management software could be the right choice for limited professional businesses since you can build and customize it to meet fewer needs and demands. This solution is free to use, modify and also redistribute. Regular inputs and constant modifications can help improve the product over time. The main advantage of open-source software is the flexibility that comes with it.

But well established Corporate organizations need Large Document Management Services with inhouse server installations to handle huge document flow, bulk record management, strong security features and many more with 24*7 onsite technical support teams and quick escalated action on problems. They are always ready to spend a huge amount for the sake of their own document management system.

Another thing is that open-source DMS has its disadvantages.

     Fewer DMS features: Even the best open-source DMS will not be equipped with all the features of a proprietary program.

     Muddy Compliance Issues: Programs in the open-source niche are less likely to meet the compliance standards of the government agencies or different business industries, unlike proprietary DMS that are mostly designed with regulatory guidelines in mind.

     Lack of technical support: With proprietary document management systems, there are numerous troubleshooting options available at your disposal. But you won't find the same technical support when it comes to the open-source document management system.

     Unresolved Problems: While your free Document Management Software may have a discussion forum where one can ask questions and request new features upgradation and bug fixes, several of these inquiries can go ignored for weeks or months at a time. So unless you have someone on your staff who can dive into the source code and handle the fix in-house, you might be out of luck.

Obviously, the pros and cons of every digital solution present out there, go hand in hand. It is on you to identify what works for you and what doesn't and accordingly make a choice. If you are looking for the best proprietary  Electronic document management system and still have a lot of queries, then don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at IKON BPS for all your needs.