Monday, September 23, 2019

Ultimate Role of High-Speed Disperser in Powder Dispersion Process to Get Homogeneous End Product

High speed dispersers are a type of a mixer which used to rapidly breakdown the lumps of materials which are powdery in nature, while also distributing it uniformly and wetting it in a liquid. 

Dispersers are also used for dissolving soluble solids in liquids. A disperser typically operates on the principle of energy transfer: a disc blade which is mounted on the bottom of the mixing shaft rotates at a relatively high speed and as a result of this, the liquids and solids are drawn in the rotating disk creating a suction. 

This suction usually results in two opposite visible whirlpools- one from the top to the bottom and the other from the bottom to the top and these together are called vortices.

When the solids and or the liquids enter these vortices and engulfed into the high-power disc, the energy is immediately transferred to the mixture from the disc and this creates tremendous changes in the velocity.  As each layer of the mixture comes in contact with the disc, it is instantly accelerated from the slow speed vortex to the high-speed disc and is, therefore, projected into an outward direction, which is towards the wall of the tank and away from the disc. This is how a high-speed disperser typically works.

A disperser is quite different from an agitator, while both devices are used to mix components. While an agitator is a high volume, low powered high-intensity mixer, the disperser is quite a low-intensity mixer. 

This does not mean that the disperser is not good at all. While agitator may be more efficient,  it is a disperser which can generate the shear force that is required to rapidly break down the powder lumps in the liquid, which an agitator cannot do since it cannot generate the necessary shear required for de-lumping.

Dispersers come in various types depending on their speed- single speed, double speeds, and variable mixing shafts. While some high speed dispersers are directly mounted on top of a tank and are fixed to operate with a blade, other tank-mounted dispersers can raise and lower the blades without actually exiting the tank.

Since there are various types of dispersers and the size of each is generally thought in terms of their horsepower, you will require a professional to help you select the right kind of high speed dispersers that will suit your needs and requirements. Contact Stalwart International to help you out with your disperser-related queries and problems. 

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